Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs:

This recipe for bone broth for dogs is a delicious and nutritious pot of food. And I’m overjoyed that so many of you are starting to make this remarkably easy yet remarkably nutritious recipe.

With love, When you take the time to make your bone broth recipe at home, your dog will know that you’ve gone above and beyond to give them radiant health!

The best part is that bone broth is simple to make!

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs:

Now that we know the benefits of making bone broth for your dog, you can get to work in the kitchen.

I’ll walk you through the process of making organic bone broth for my group so you can create bone broth for your dog as well.

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs

Step 1: Add the garlic and bones

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs:

Dog bowl filled with bone broth components. I started by adding raw bones to my slow cooker. I prefer to make sure my broth has enough of healthy, joint-protecting gelatin, which is why I choose bones with plenty of joints, like chicken feet. In addition, I add cow bones—specifically, the bones from the marrow.I’ll also add some garlic for flavor and health (if you think garlic is bad for dogs, check this article or don’t use it).

If you do not have a crockpot, you can use a regular pot on your stove. But I like to use a crockpot since you have to keep it cooking all night. Organic, grass-fed animal bones are always the best, no matter what kind you select. Use cooked bones from your meals whenever possible, and don’t skimp on the quantity of bones. They are ideal for soup, but never feed cooked bones to your dog by themselves.

Step 2: Include Apple Cider Vinegar and Water

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs:

A bowl with water and vinegar to prepare soup from dog bones. After that, I’ll top out the pot with two or three more inches of water to ensure the bones are completely submerged.

It’s important to add lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar to the saucepan. This is the key component that keeps all of that amazing, beneficial gelatin in your soup. It also removes beneficial elements from the bones. I would use three or four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for a pot this size.

I put the bones, water, and vinegar in my crockpot and cooked it on high for an hour, then turned the heat down to low and left it there for the entire day. If desired, you can let it simmer for two or three days, but I find that at that point it begins to cook down too much, even though I can still get a wonderful jelly-like consistency.

NOTE: Download our complimentary raw feeding videos to get your dog started on the path to optimum health right away!

Step 3: Make The Bones Tight

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs:

Bones from the dog’s prepared bone broth
I have to strain the meat and bones out once the broth is done. I threw these bones in the food waste basket because they shouldn’t be given to dogs. In any case, my pets don’t require them. The nice stuff is already in my broth.

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs

Step 4: Use Your Creativity

Once the crockpot is turned off, I’ll add some healthy ingredients. For this soup, I used some frozen kale and some fresh leftover green beans. But I also like to add kelp, broccoli, medicinal mushrooms, and herbs, and sometimes I just don’t do anything at all.

Add any wholesome vegetables or herbs your dog likes (bone broth is a great place to hide them if he doesn’t). When the soup is hot, I’ll switch it off and add them right away. The veggie soup will then cool, softening the veggies just enough for my dogs may still appreciate their flavor. Vegetables provide extra essential nutrients.

Step 5: Allow It to Cool

Dogs’ bone broth that has been chilled:

When my broth cools, I’ll store it in the fridge. This is where the magic is found. In just a few hours, you’ll be able to determine whether you produced a respectable batch! As soon as you remove your broth from the refrigerator, a thick layer of fat will form on top. Chip this off and toss it in your food waste basket.

Now, underneath the fat, your bone broth should resemble jelly. The jelly is a sign of high gelatin content, which is good for your dog’s joints and helps prevent leaky gut, which can cause allergies and upset stomach. The more jelly-like the better, since the gelatin seals the gaps in the stomach that could allow allergies to manifest!

If your broth doesn’t look like jelly, that just means you didn’t add enough vinegar. Don’t freak out. The next time, your batch will turn out flawlessly if you add a bit extra vinegar. First though, use the broth you already have—it’s still packed with healthy nutrients!

Step 6: Keep Your Broth Cold:

Canine bone broth kept in jars:

My dogs have their refrigerator, but I’m sure there’s space in your fridge for bone broth. Since I have a lot of dogs, I simply leave my bone broth in the crockpot in their refrigerator. My five huge Labradors will use up a pot this size in four or five days. I prepare a fresh batch once or twice a week because I wouldn’t want to store it in the refrigerator for longer than a few days.

Bone Broth Recipe For Dogs

It’s a great idea to keep some bone broth in your freezer. For ailing dogs, bone broth is extremely nourishing and therapeutic (like chicken soup). Thus, be sure to keep some on hand in case of need.

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